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Fare Rates

A flat rate fare is calculated based on the tap on and tap off locations of each trip. If each tap is located within the same zone, a local flat rate fare is calculated. If the taps are located in different zones, a commuter flat rate fare is calculated.

Below are the flat rate fares you will be charged for your travels based on where you start and end your trip. If you forget to tap off a bus, you will be charged a "Missing Tap Fare" instead of the flat fare. It is important that you remember to tap on and off the buses and LRT to ensure that you get the best price possible.

Flat Rate Fares

Zone Edmonton Airport St. Albert Strathcona County Spruce Grove Acheson Fort Saskatchewan Beaumont Leduc
Edmonton $3.00                
Airport $5.00 $5.00              
St. Albert $4.25 $9.25 $2.50            
Strathcona County $5.00 $10.00 $9.25 $2.75          
Spruce Grove $5.60 $13.60 $9.85 $10.60 $3.00        
Acheson $5.60 $13.60 $9.85 $10.60 $3.00 $3.00      
Fort Saskatchewan $9.50 $12.25 $8.75 $4.50 $13.10 $13.10 $2.50    
Beaumont $5.00 $12.25 $8.75 $9.50 $13.10 $13.10 $12.00 $5.00  
Leduc $5.00 $2.00 $9.25 $10.00 $13.60 $13.60 $12.50 $12.50 $2.00

Black text = Cost for one journey, including transfers within 90 minutes.
Red text = An estimate that reflects multiple transfers between different agencies, fares will vary based on the routes chosen.

Missing Tap Fare Rates

Agency Service Type Name Missing Tap Fare Amount
Edmonton Transit Service Local Services $3.00
Edmonton Transit Service Airport Services $5.00
St. Albert Transit Local Services $4.25
St. Albert Transit Commuter Services $4.25
St. Albert Transit On-Demand Services $2.50
Strathcona County Transit Local Services $2.75
Strathcona County Transit Commuter Services $5.00
Spruce Grove Transit Local Services $3.00
Spruce Grove Transit Commuter Services $5.60
Spruce Grove Transit On-Demand Services $3.00
Fort Saskatchewan Transit Local Services $2.50
Fort Saskatchewan Transit Commuter Services $4.50
Beaumont Transit Commuter Services $5.00
Leduc Transit Local Services $2.00
Leduc Transit Commuter Services $5.00
Leduc Transit On-Demand Services $2.00